Why I Chose to Travel Alone

I recently got back from a quick trip to Seattle, a trip I chose to take by myself. I got a lot of mixed reactions over my decision to travel alone. Some questioned me for it and said I’d have way more fun if I went with friends, others thought it was cool , amazing and adventurous; but, even out of that group I could still tell there were some that didn’t understand my choice. Taking this trip by myself was important to me because I had gone through a breakup and for the first time in pretty much four years I was single. As a young adult I’ve actually never been on my own, I’d never had my own place or anything like that. I didn’t really even know what to do in my spare time because I just didn’t know how to be by myself. I figured the best way to learn would be to take a quick trip, it would allow me to get out of town, relax, see somewhere different and it would push me out of my comfort zone. So, I booked my train tickets and my hotel nights and three weeks later off I went.

You Get to be Selfish

One of the reasons I took this trip by myself was for the opportunity to finally be a little selfish and to treat myself to things I normally wouldn’t do. When you travel alone you don’t have to worry about anyone else and what they do or don’t want to do. I collect Starbucks mugs from every city I visit and I was completely willing to wait in a line down to block just to have my mug from the original Pike Place store. However, not everyone has to same patience as I do when it comes to a coffee mug; so, I didn’t have to feel bad about making someone else wait in line with me for something they didn’t want to do. It was always up to me what I wanted to do that day and how I wanted to spend my time. I was able to relax and treat myself to a nice bath with a bathbomb that had rose petals in it and a glass of sparkling wine. Or, I could eat cheesecake for breakfast with no one judging me, except all of you who are now reading this.

You Feel Better

You gain so many new experiences when you travel alone and you get this big boost of confidence. I earned a sense of pride and accomplishment because this was my first time ever booking a trip by myself. To be able to rely on yourself to navigate a new city and get around is such a great feeling though. Traveling by myself I found I became better at putting myself out there, this goes hand in hand with the confidence boost. I was no longer afraid to ask for help or a recommendation from someone, I was more open to talking to people I met on the streets or at the bar. I was no longer so worried about what everyone thought of me, I felt braver, and because of this I met so many amazing people.

Spending Time on Your Own

Ultimately, the biggest reason I took this trip alone was to learn to be by myself and to spend time on my own. I really was able to learn a lot about myself, who I am and what I want in life on this trip; but, not only that I gained some independence. Before this trip the idea of going to a restaurant to eat by myself or the bar for a drink alone was daunting but now it’s no big deal. You become so completely comfortable with that time spent by yourself and you really learn to appreciate it. Travelling alone was such a learning experience for me, I honestly encourage everyone to try it at least once.

To check out photos from my trip to Seattle follow me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/calli_eileen/