Be Back Soon!

Hi everyone! A bit of a different post today. If you follow me on Instagram, a few weeks ago you may have seen a post about me taking a short break from blogging. Well, I’m here with a little update for everyone today.

Coronavirus, of course, has affected everyone in some way and we haven’t been an exception to that. For us it has meant having to cancel our plans for holidays and spend the last few months locked up in our flat. Not the way I had wanted to spend my final year in Scotland. A couple weeks ago though, Jack and I had to make the decision between staying in Edinburgh and trying to find a new flat or moving back to his hometown, Dundee. Moving to Dundee just made more sense for us.

So, for the last couple of weeks we’ve both been busy preparing to move. Moving to a new city is already stressful enough but adding a global pandemic into the mix hasn’t made it any easier. For this reason I’ve been taking some time off from blogging so I can focus on my upcoming move. I’ve also been using this break to focus on a some new projects. I’ve been working away on some digital art, I’ll be opening for commissions within the next week and have an Etsy shop on the way. You can stay up to date with that stuff here.

I also have some more exciting news! I’ve been working with this really cool new travel app called BYO. I’ll explain more about it in the coming weeks but it’s a great way to get some travel inspiration. Anyone who has an account on the app can share photos they’ve taken on their trips and sort them into experiences. This way when you are researching your next vacation you can search a city and browse what kind of experiences or activities other travellers have done and what they think about it. You can sign up for BYO here and don’t forget to use the referral code westcoastcalli when you sign up!

I will be back to blogging soon and I’ve got tonnes of great new local stories and trips to share with you. I’ve taken advantage of low tourism to get out and explore Edinburgh instead! I can’t wait to tell you guys all about it. As soon as we’re settled in Dundee I’ll be right back to it.

See you soon!